Vi leser stadig om samarbeid mellom de virkelig store internasjonale aktørene innen slektsforskning. Denne gangen er det Family Tree DNA sine kunder som får redusert pris hos MyHeritage.
Nedenfor er et utdrag fra en epost som kom fra Family Tree DNA idag.
Dear Valued Customer,
As you may have seen in the news, a very important and exciting development for our community has taken place. Family Tree DNA has teamed up with MyHeritage to integrate our DNA tests to their international customer base of 75 million users. This represents an additional step by Family Tree DNA in expanding into new markets for the benefit of our more than 7,800 Surname and Geographic Projects.
Family Tree DNA is again partnering with MyHeritage to offer a limited-time price reduction on their specialized historical records collection, SuperSearch. You will save over 50% when you sign up for a new subscription or renew your existing subscription.
SuperSearch is the perfect companion to DNA for boosting your family history research.
SuperSearch includes:
- More than 4 billion historical records
- 1.5 billion exclusive family tree profiles
- Birth, marriage, death and census records
- World's largest collection of historical newspapers
- Millions of tombstone photos
- Hundreds of exclusive online databases
- Millions more records added each month
Automated Record Matching
With this unique offer, you will also enjoy full access to MyHeritage’s Record Matching Technology at no additional cost. This extremely powerful feature automatically matches historical records to names in your MyHeritage family tree. Learn more about Record Matching and see the praise this technology received from some of the world’s foremost genealogists.
Plus All Family Tree Tools
This offer comes with a PremiumPlus account on MyHeritage which provides these benefits:
- Premium Family Tree Builder genealogy software
- Unlimited capacity for your family tree and photos
- Free Smart Matches – matches between your tree and all other trees on MyHeritage, to discover new relatives
- More power features including Timeline and Timebook
All of these features, which include everything MyHeritage has to offer, are now available to Family Tree DNA customers and friends for unlimited one year access at the exclusive special price of $99.95. This represents a savings of more than 50% over the regular price. Plus, you will receive one extra month for free. This offer is only available until January 31, 2014. This is outstanding value and the special price is 1/3 of the price of’s competing service.
Together, Family Tree DNA and MyHeritage represent the most advanced combination of genealogical research tools available in the market.
2 kommentarer:
Jeg har ikke helt bestem meg om det er bra at de store samarbeider eller ei. Jeg så jo at skal samarbeide med FamilySearch også. Alikevel kan dette være en god ting hvis tilgjengeligheten av "slektsforskerverktøy" og slektsinformasjon blir lettere å få tak i for alle. La oss håpe det.
Det er nok "makta som rår" og i dette tilfelle så vil det nok si at det er de kommersielle kreftene som styrer utviklingen om vi liker det eller ei. Vi får bare håpe at vi ikke sitter igjen med et firma uten konkurranse. Det kan vel også hende at ikke alle som har bidratt med frivillig arbeid, som f.eks registering av den norske 1875 tellingen, til FamilySearch er like begeistret for at selskap som MyHeritage har fått tilgang til dette som en del av sitt kommersielle tilbud.
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